Wednesday, February 08, 2006

That's why I love Hartford

It was a beautiful clear New England winter day today. I made it a point to get out of the office and outside on my lunch break. I spent a little time walking around the city, as I do pretty much every day, but today I was thinking about all the family history that has happened in Connecticut. There was my grandmother, who almost was there on the day the circus fire happened. I can recall the Connecticut river flooding and shutting down some of the streets. I can recall watching someone take a boat down the middle of Bedford Avenue when I was a boy. I can recall seeing a warehouse fire just next door from where we used to live. Maybe not of any great historical significance, but I've seen a lot, and heard a lot more from old stories passed down from one generation to the next. I'm sure I'm not the only person with a long list of memories, though.

Long Run on Fall Morning
I am moving when there is no I
Defined as motion, across
Countless Buddha-lands, breath, the life of
All that is-
No sense of stop/start, the ground
Slides away to reveal
New vistas, new mastery of ancient ways
And I am moving where there is no motion
A falling away of senses, grasping
Leaves ego spinning, unmoored, no more
than a point of reference in the void
Sound of rubber on road
Thunderous, a mantra; follow the sacred to
its source
the breath
run on


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