Once Again Unto the Fray
Back again! Things are a lot different than previously- let's see, I graduated school, have yet to pass the state CDL test yet, (emphasis being on yet) spent about a week in the hospital with severe depression, got out of the hospital, kind of picked up the pieces, did the usual amount of mental evaluation one does when coming out of a rough patch like that, got a part-time job selling pools, patio furniture and the like while trying to keep the house clean and studying for a retest. This time, it's personal. So that's what's been going on, at least in my life. My wife is waiting on the birth of our second baby, one Emma Patricia. She's due any time now, so we're all waiting nervously. I'm sure mom and baby will be fine. I get a day off from work, though. I like my job, but it does get surprisingly tiring. Pools are not really as complicated as they may seem- the basic design and function of a recirculating water and filtration system is pretty much the same across the board. While installing their pools, however, I find people have adapted to their yards with incredible PVC-and-hose monstrosities that I get the excitement of advising them on, replacing or repairing when something goes off. Necessity really is the mother of invention- some of these ideas are really pretty ingenious. At any rate, as soon as the Connecticut DMV deigns to grant me a new test date, I'll be at the other end of the loading dock. Life is what happens while you're making other plans, as they say.