Friday, February 10, 2006

Fun with Flash player

One of the important things I learned today is that anger and compassion are not incompatible. To explain further, I have often found myself in contact with people who need help, be it a place to stay, or a couple bucks for dinner, or whatever. I really try not to look down on anyone who needs help, for whatever reason. But at the same time, I feel like if I'm looking down, I want to pull whoever I'm looking down at up to my level. It's kind of an abstract idea, but I would rather all people live up to their full potential, and my anger comes not at them, but at the situation that keeps them from realizing that full potential. It's frustrating, looking at a person and seeing at least the potential for greatness there and not being able to help them realize it. But on the other hand, this may be overly idealistic. I should do what I can where I can, and rest in the knowledge that I did what I could, and there are more people out there than me doing the same thing. Life is unfair- if it were fair, I think we would have a Utopia, where everyone is free to develop their own potential. But with this comes responsibility to do just that. From my own experience, advancement is not free. It depends to a large extent on how hard you work. I'm afraid I'm waxing very philosophical, so I'll just leave today's little opus and also a website I had a great deal of fun with- I myself am a Buddhist, of the Kadampa school to be more precise, but like most of us Western barbarians, started off learning about Zen. Here's a fun little mouse-driven thing that made me laugh, but the advice is pretty sound for all those considering meditation. And I would encourage you to do so, regardless of spiritual tradition.

Untitled #8
Coming here to
see two herons
graceful forms flying low
over the
water's glassy surface, they
Do not disturb it as they
circle and I,
honored by this gift
Do not disturb them
(Seemed appropriate, as I'm in kind of a Zen mood tonight. This was inspired by just such a sight at the Glastonbury ferry docks- there were two of these huge and magnificent birds flying together, almost touching the water of the Connecticut river. It was really a beautiful sight to see.- J. )


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