Hello Cthulhu

Aaww, isn't he cute? I've spent the last couple of days doing various unemployed type things, in addition to interviewing for new jobs- tomorrow morning is interview number 6, so wish me luck! I'm not too worried, there seem to be no shortage of positions out there, so I'm sure something will come up. One thing that helps is to know what you want to do- it's just a question then of finding the ways and means to do it. It helps put things in perspective and gives you something to work towards. Apart from the endless stream of applications, resumes and cover letters passing from me out into the world, it's been pretty slow going. I've been keeping up the garden and the house and generally trying to keep busy. In this (undoubtedly temporary) period of unemployment and the large amount of accompanying freedom, it's easy to get into the habit of doing nothing all day. But apart from that, the weather is nice, and there's a great many hiking trails not far from the house. When I'm not pounding out resumes, that is.
Conversations With a Lack of Sleep
This Is The Impossibility of the
Existence of Anything-
Mushroom cloud I saw in
garish black and white-
“That’s all, Folks!”
Does the world end with
old men in the bunker
Do they laugh at us, or is it
just a dream-inspired
lack of sleep?
Christmas lights winking in
the night, are we
home again?
Driving all night past the
desert, mountains always on the horizon
Give me bikinis and islands any day
over Godzilla landslides and yellow dust, the
Green electric fire from Hollywood burning
men, women, children
Burns, scars, bandages
cut me to the core, if I
could catch that bomb
hide it away
I’d lose my own legs if I
thought it would help