Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you all had a great one! So Dick Cheney accidentally shot someone. Whoops. I wonder if that was a pre-emptive strike? (Sorry, couldn't resist). Since there's really nothing to report today, I'll share a pretty good blog I happened across.
Lots of links, too.

Through the heavy door,
Wood and glass to
keep out the draft that
sneaks in around you
Barroom floor, the
occasional peanut shell or
cigarette wrapper
Move between
loud laughter, booming
voices, to the bar-
ghosts of
drinks left rings
Smile from the barkeep, her
knotted shirt
bigger tips
Here to
share a drink
and a story with a stranger
Squeezed onto the
small stage, the
band rips into an
old Hendrix tune-
we pause to listen


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