The Daily Grind
I received an anonymous comment, (so I will make a new post) in regards to the Salesman poems- I really wish I could respond in kind, but not everyone is compelled to spill their guts regarding their thoughts and opinions for everyone to read. Understandably so, I think. In response, I wil comment, thank you so much for checking this humble blog out, I do greatly appreciate the feedback- it looks like I captured the spirit of the salesman- having spent a (brief) period in sales myself, I can attest to the spirit of the salesman- a difficult and trying job, but a rewarding one in the end. The Salesman, curiously enough, is emerging as a definite and complete character- I'm working on a short story involving him, but prose is not poetry for me- it's a little more time-consuming. But I do enjoy getting feedback, not just as ego fuel- if something I wrote totally stinks, then, that's constructive too. Besides, I'd rather have that kind of reaction than "Oh, that's nice- I didn't feel a thing." Again, thanks, I'll definitely keep writing, though I think I'm about out of poems about the Salesman- a nice guy, but I'll wait to hear what his latest adventures are... So here goes,
The Salesman, Part 3
I see below me the
rose that is the city spread out
maintained from the remote control of
searing truth, I
involuntarily breathe in the
contact high from the driving wind, and I am there-
A non-event in time marred by
lack of language perfection- returning,
Going back, down the hill-
back to run on all eight cylinders, I
leave behind a wisp of smoke- my wish
that you remember me
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